Begin Anywhere…
Many times it is difficult to start something. It might be exciting, worthwhile, necessary, even required, and yet we avoid taking the first step or any step to get moving toward completion. This may not be true for all of us, but my guess is every reader has experienced or observed this at least once in their lives, and likely more often than we care to admit. Perhaps we hope it will somehow go away or someone else will magically check this off our list.
I often wonder what holds me/us back from doing the one (or more) thing(s) we need to do…perhaps it is simple procrastination? Perhaps a more deep seated resistance? We know in our minds and in our hearts the sooner we check it off our list the better. We will feel a sense of accomplishment and perhaps even relief, and yet, even for some of us who are uber focused or prone to making lists and yes, even checking them twice, we hesitate or put it off. At times, the putting off may be just a lack of time and other more pressing matters to attend to. However, in many cases it might just be the one thing, no matter how simple or complicated it is, that overwhelms us. We have built up its importance or the thought that it must be perfect if we are going to complete the task, and our self doubt talk tells us that we are not up to it. Or it involves engaging with some thing or some one that we are not comfortable with. That somehow our approach, our outcome will not be good enough. So a few hints on how to get the one thing that has been nagging at you for sometime off your list and your mind.
-Make a list and put everything on it…even the little stuff.
Somehow when we write things down, they come to life and we are more likely to pay attention to them.
-Give yourself credit for checking off any item, regardless of how big or small.
Rather than beating yourself up for being behind, give yourself credit for the progress you are making.
-Don’t settle, but in some cases, good enough is enough, and in fact, may be more than enough.
When we are avoiding doing something or continuing to put it off, it may be that we have over complicated the solution or set the stakes so high in our minds that it paralyzes and holds us back from making a move. In many cases, keeping it simple will work just fine.
-Remember the stuff that seems so BIG will not get smaller.
If the task at hand seems overly complex, break it down into manageable chunks and give yourself deadlines for completing each step along the way. Keep track of your progress by either putting a note in your mobile device or writing it down, if so inclined.
Remember above all… getting started is the real key, so begin anywhere. Start wherever you are. Somehow taking the first step can provide the momentum to keep going, and before you know it, you are checking this one off the list and you are on to the next.